5 Practical Utility Room Design Ideas

Space is precious in any home, and a utility room would be no exception.

The beauty of an average utility room is that it can be locked away out of sight from visitors or small children and can function as an extension of other rooms in your house. It's a covered space (like an unused room or a garage) to store items that won't find a better home elsewhere.

Let's explore five design ideas to make your utility room look great and function well.

green shaker style kitchen, utility and bootroom

Choose the right materials for your laundry room.

Choosing the right material for your utility room is essential because it will determine its durability, longevity, and style. That's why it's so important to choose materials that are durable, easy to clean, and won't scratch easily. You'll want durable surfaces that stand up to water, grease, and other messes.

For example, laminate flooring is easy to clean and lasts for years without cracking or buckling like wood floors. You can also opt for tile floors that are easy to clean and can add an instant dose of style to your home.

modern white utility room

Incorporate a laundry area.

For many households, laundry is a daily task, so why not build a laundry area in your utility room? Not only will this give you more space for folding and hanging clothes, but it will also make it much easier to keep track of what needs washing next.

An extra sink or countertop space for folding will help make this chore much easier and more convenient. If you don't have a lot of space to work with, consider adding a stacked washer and dryer. These units are more compact than traditional models and can fit in small spaces.

navy fitted inframe furniture in utility room

Make utility storage flexible.

Another critical aspect of any good utility room design is flexibility regarding storage options within each space category. This means having some areas where things can be stored vertically or horizontally depending on what type of items need storing at any given time.

You may also opt for less permanent organisation options that you can switch out depending on the need or when you want to redecorate your utility room. For example, you can use large storage buckets for laundry or children's toys and some shelf organisers for smaller items such as hygiene bottles and cleaning products.

utility room

Add a pet station.

If you have pets, adding a pet station to a corner of your utility room is a great way to keep their supplies organised and accessible. This can include things like leashes, food bowls, treats, and grooming tools.

If you have a bigger space, you can also add a pet wash area. A pet wash area can include a tub or sink for washing and a place to dry off your pet. This can be as simple as a drying mat on the floor or something more elaborate, like a wall-mounted drying station with fans.

trendy natural utility room with brass handles

Use it as a boot room.

Do you have a big family? If so, you know that keeping track of all the shoes and coats can be a huge pain. A utility room is a great place to store all of your gear, as well as any other items that are not in use. This can be especially helpful if you have kids constantly coming in and out of the house with their backpacks and sports equipment.

However, make sure you choose a good location for your boot room. You'll want it close enough to the entrance that it doesn't take too long to get into your boots before heading outside but far enough away from any other rooms in your house that it doesn't get too messy and busy.

wooden paneled boot room

There are many ways to design and build a utility room, but the most important thing is that it works with your family and your lifestyle. If you have a large family and need to store many items, consider building an extra-large utility room. If you live in an area where it often snows, make space for your boots and winter coats, hats, and scarves.

If you're ready to take the first step towards adding a utility room to your home, contact us to discuss your options.


